Moonchild Productions


Moonchild Productions has been the collective name under which Moonchild (M.C. Straver) has released his works in different disciplines.
This name has been used since the mid-1990s for what was initially a self-employed web design company in the Netherlands, but has since then become a more encompassing name for all of the published (and some unpublished) works by Moonchild, as well as the primary name under which the community behind the Pale Moon project, the Basilisk browser, and the Unified XUL platform are known, to give name to ownership of the involved branding in those projects.

The Community

Moonchild Productions as a community encompasses a good number of individuals who have been (and many still are) involved with everything around the Unified XUL Platform (UXP) and the Pale Moon browser. While originally an individual and personal project, these projects have grown to encompass more than just the principal of Moonchild Productions. While the ownership of e.g. intellectual property and branding still rests with Mr. Straver, the effort and responsibilities are attributed to many individuals in the community who have all helped create something more.

When talking about (and to) Moonchild Productions, one should therefore realize that in the programming context, it means a whole community of people sharing a vision and general direction, all contributing to various projects, and while legal rights are to the principal owner, the community behind Moonchild Productions is so much more than that; it is a free collaboration of talented individuals all contributing to various projects that aim to improve.

Who is Moonchild?

The principal of Moonchild Productions is Mr. M.C. Straver BASc, also going by the artist name Moonchild (and his official name in his country of residence). He was born in Roosendaal, the Netherlands, in 1971, and has lived in a good number of different locations in the world, ranging from Australia and different places in Europe to the USA. He currently resides in Sweden.
Having followed a professional education in Laboratory Informatics and Automation, with additional courses in Networking and Networking Security, it may come as no surprise that he has in-depth knowledge of computers, computer systems, networks, security and programming.
The other side of him is a very creative one; drawing, sketching, colouring, shading - in traditional media as well as digital - makes up a good part of his legacy. In this same creative field is his past occupation as professional translator, it being mostly creative work (writing) - although of course the technical background of his education helped tremendously for technical manuals and similar texts.


The vision of Moonchild Productions is as multi-faceted as the individual behind it. One main driving force will always be quality of work - born from the principle that it is better to create something good and lasting than something that can be thrown away without a second thought. A second driving force is the release of works that are meant to improve quality of life, be it pleasing, providing efficiency, assisting development (both personal and in software) or promoting openness in communication.

Creatively speaking, the main goals are freedom of expression, openness, and inventiveness. In the graphic arts, this is strongly influenced by the fascination with anthropomorphic animals and human-animal hybrids, although fantasy and myth are not shied away from either.

Professionally speaking, the main goals are fairness, honesty, best quality of work, and open communication. These unfortunately regularly clash with modern businesses - the holy grail of optimizations of processes often being only viable on paper and in practice requiring underhanded methods to achieve them - and as such, not all clients will be pleased with the principles upheld by Moonchild. Fairness also means fairness of rewards, for both parties involved. The client gets fair rewards in quality of work and willingness to go the extra mile, if the reward for the provider is equally fair.